Tuesday, August 30, 2011

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Digital Camera Camcorder Grand Sale

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Look and Feel Your Best This Summer

!±8± Look and Feel Your Best This Summer

Summer is here. It 's time to get the extra layers of clothing to hide comfortably behind you shed all winter. How do you want to pay unwanted winter pounds, along with layers of clothes? How would you like to feel a greater sense of peace and balance in this summer? Let us know how it seeks to achieve these objectives.

Like many, I bet you wish you could snap your fingers and watch your excess weight reduces. I mean not only carry the extra weight on your body.I'm talking about you is that being overweight around the well with a weight range that speaks of you in the mind and soul. We all have it. In our hectic, demanding world, it's hard not to be an accumulation of material with a weight of us, as we desperately running for all our daily to-do list.

With so much to do, it is difficult to find time to take care of us. Trust me, I am a busy person, no more hours in a day than any other. The difference is, I found a waysystems and are a regular part of my world. When I decided to shed my excess weight and find a better balance in my life, I had to set an example and let my "poor me" attitude. The "poor me" who was so enthusiastic about the challenges of life burdened with so much to do and not worry enough hours in the day, and others. The "poor me" who was too lazy, tired or unmotivated in a regular exercise routine to get there.

Because if you look and feel your best this summer, want to encourage youTo start, behind the attitude of "poor me". Where did he move? Did exactly where you came from. I know how difficult it can be heard. I've been there. The only way to rise above them, GET UP joy, look up.

Until you decide to get up instead of standing still, until you look up and forward instead of down in the past and choose to make it easier to hang under a black cloud, then no matter what diet you go on, no matter how much youtake some of your favorite foods, no matter how few calories you consume, or pills that you take the bar or you can eat, are not permanent weight loss success, the desire for you. You can get quick results, but how long will it support? Not much. It is unhealthy, unrealistic, and it is very shortsighted.

Here's what to do instead:

Use the summer wisely. Stop hibernating and get out there. Within walking distance, you take tennis, go swimming. Go for a picnic and invite your friends to aGrill and throw a Frisbee or play a game of badminton or volleyball. It 'a lot of fun if you try it. Here are some fun activities this summer, you move, your heart pumps and circulates the blood can do. Out of your head and your body. Notice how it feels to be active. With a little 'more activities you will find that easier to achieve. Your muscles are strengthened. Breathing becomes easier. You will be able to go for more and faster. Challengeitself. The pride you feel as a result of something you want to hear it over and over again. Can you hear your constant motivation.

You want to stay well hydrated with plenty of water and water-rich foods such as fruits and vegetables. Do not worry about the sugar in fruits and vegetables. Do not worry about the calories. Ideally, the more fruits and vegetables you eat, the less you crave sugar unhealthy. No need to starve to look and feel good.If you're hungry, eat something. Just choose wisely.

Summer is a time for the consumption of alcohol more. Beer, wine and sweet wine cooler ice are a staple food in most of the summer barbecue and external functions. Be careful with alcohol consumption. Not only pack more calories, but it will also cloud your decision to healthier eating habits. You'll find that you do not need too much sugar and alcohol, to have fun. Be strong, Stand Your Ground company of those whotoo heavily on alcohol and unhealthy foods for fun.

Remember, if you want to enlighten you this summer, then to walk, stand up and watch. Use the summer to set the course for the rest of the year. Get into healthy habits now, will last a lifetime.

Look and Feel Your Best This Summer

Wu Tang Sweatshirt Sale

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Three ways to playfulness (back) relate

!±8± Three ways to playfulness (back) relate

Remember, if you and your family first met him? He counted the minutes until they saw him no more. He called just to hear his sweet voice. The air was alive with Snap Crackle and Pop of sexual energy. They could not do without each other, and you were always show your best side. It 'been easy to be playful.

Then they settled into a routine and began to share the daily life. Best behavior is like holding in your stomach. You can not always. Finally, your real,Weaknesses, and all made an appearance. It was not and is not always beautiful. Playful in the background when it comes to Duck and Cover pulled during your PMS ... or she must communicate with your anger road ... or she promises, but forget to take care not to adapt the cleaners, and you have the most important event in your life the next morning ... or you take a piece of cake that you made to an employee's birthday party ... or if one of the bazillion annoying things that can happendoes.

What's more, the mind-numbing fatigue that accompanies everyday life in a way squelching playfulness. If you were jacked up on hormones, a new love, one could shake off the week-end to hell on your dancing shoes and let the good times roll. Well, if that occurs earlier tonight, they often find themselves on the couch in your sweat, sharing pizza and watch a DVD Netflix delivery. Instead of lounging in bed Saturday morning after sex, you get a head startWeekend fees. It 'easy in the wake of you said I'd never slide into autumn.

Playful disappears and leaves room for negative emotions such as irritability, nervousness and depression. This sucks. Playful laughter inspired. Laughing reduces stress and releases feel good hormones like endorphins. But that does not suck. So, here are three ways to get back wants to play and keep it alive:

Think like a child: children find joy in the game, often in the simplest things: a splashRifle, a Frisbee, a yo-yo, bubbles, sidewalk chalk, a game of Twister, pillow fights, play hide and a children's pool. Take a hint! Is it okay to act like children, too stupid, especially when doing so results in a good laugh or a fit of laughter. The beauty of being playful adults (as opposed to playful towards children) is that it's okay if you play directly into the bedroom or, if you draw the cards you play strip poker, instead of Go Fish.

Put fun on the program:Choose an activity (or two ... or three) that will be fun for both and put it on the calendar as a recurring event. Sign up for dance classes or cooking, or join a bowling league or a co-ed softball team. Not so long no matter how much you both like. Surprise your loved ones with planning a night out, and (or rediscover) the joys of sex hotels. They have a black-tie dinner for two, and wear, but no black ties. Use your imagination.

Flirt shamelessly with eachothers. Flirting is fun, sensual and exciting. Whisper in each other ear. Wink across a crowded room. Send text messages suggestive. Tuck your hair behind your ear. Matching tie. Dance provocatively. Whatever it was that worked to your dating days, just do it again. And since you used to get days early reports, you are free to take it to a new level of sensuality and excitement! Throwing caution to the wind and just go for it.

Playful. We can all use more.

Three ways to playfulness (back) relate

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Thursday, August 18, 2011

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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Guerrilla Marketing in Action

!±8± Guerrilla Marketing in Action

Guerrilla Marketing is using time, energy and imagination to create a product company or person without spending large amounts of hard earned profit dollars in the market. He also called non-traditional marketing, something unusual, unexpected and developed to define to be noticed. Of course, all the marketing is designed to notice. It's just that some do not, believe it or not.

There are many examples in the course of time, proof that the guerrillas. I save a different language,Article or book. For now I will share examples of guerrilla marketing in action. In fact I have seen in recent months. Someone is out there with a nice little 'fantasy and not spend the money to the market falls. Strange places for media;; Here are some examples of non-traditional marketing are met unexpected news:

Restaurant pagers

There is no doubt that you have available in restaurants, where you've been waiting for a table is. In many restaurantsgive you the great means frisbee sized pager that blinks incessantly when your number is called. This level is no longer flashing pager. In the middle is a color graphic or advertising specialty restaurants or shop right next to the restaurant to drink, certainly unusual and probably noticed most of the time.

Gas Pump Handles

Pumping gas and you have to look to secure the handle in the opening of the tank and run the gas pump. Some geniussquare on the back of the neck (the part you are watching) and room made for an advertising 2 "x 2". Ice for 99 cents, candy bars two for one, Specials Car Wash, etc. are all advertised that consumers buy the gas pump think of another element such as a gas obtained.

Java Jacket

Grab a Starbucks and no doubt your next stop is the breath mint in your travel grocery store. Oh, what to buy? Unfortunately, the brand intends to you at the right time, then because ofjava jacket, the corrugated sleeve around your cup of coffee to keep you from burning your hand. Recently, I had this thought, and I saw the jacket only the name of the brand, Eclipse, advertising their tires last taste to see. Guess' buy next? In marketing, we always send a message to your target audience is the problem. This is the epitome of this.

Plastic room key

Most hotels have a credit card as a room key that slides into the plastic trigger on the right trackHandle. I left the next day and was longing to Domino Pizza. When you are out of town and not a reference to the phone number, I wondered? I looked at my room key and the advertising space on the domino room key was purchased complete with a telephone number. Guess who I called? With a room key.

Escalator step

I have not seen it, but I often thought that would do great advertising space: the front of an up-escalator step. How did you get up around eyeLevel with a step more than 3 or 4 in front of you. What made for a great place for a view. A great place to charge for advertising. Many of the exhibits, and exactly where your target group, if you're in retail or service business into a retail store. Let me know if you see it in action. Send me a picture of him and I will send a free copy of Guerrilla Marketing in 30 days.

Permission to publish: This article may be published
in newsletters and websitesprovided that the award is
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Copyright and the resource box. Email notice of intent to run
publish estimates: al@market-for-profits.com.

© 2005 Al Lautenslager

Guerrilla Marketing in Action

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Sunday, August 14, 2011

Say the magic words

!±8± Say the magic words

There are moments in life when someone says, just a couple of magic words, the mighty, has become a spokesman for the imagination. Improve the customer experience in the broadest sense and can make life.

Perhaps this has happened to you. It took me - twice, both times and efforts to improve the customer experience had a profound effect.

The first magic moment to improve the customer occurred in 1972 when my school's science teacher, Stan Rhodes, urged his studentsthat build the strongest bridge with only a limited number of balsa wood and glue.

On race day, was a serious problem. I knew that the span of the bridge could be at least 12 inches, but I was wrong width. I understand the maximum width was 1 inch. In fact, it was 1.5 inches.

While my project was good, my bridge by 33% thinner than any other. However, he came in second place.

I was devastated. With an extra half-inch wide, certainlyhave won the competition.

When I went and pulled me aside and said Mr. Rhodes. "Actually, your best project bridge was well done."

I looked at him, my mood has changed completely.

"Really?" I asked, amazed. "You think so?"

"" Absolutely, "he smiled." You're a very good designer. "

"Thank you, Mr. Rhodes!" I walked away triumphant. When Mr. Rhodes student (customer), he could not have said something more powerful to improve customers.

Todaymore than two decades later, I make my living as an innovative curriculum designers. There are boot camps, orientation, international tours, interactive workshops, retreats, management, conference games, video, and built the web-based learning systems, and more. I am confident and passionate power of good design.

Comment magic Stan Rhodes' made a difference and has done wonders to improve the customer experience.
The second magic moment to come to improve the customer when I was newthe business world, a recent graduate of my youth as a citizen diplomat and master of the world trotting Frisbee.

I attended my first National Speakers Association Annual Meeting. Nervous and inexperienced, I was under dressed for the event and had no idea how successful speakers in their impressive career.

By chance I was standing next to Thomas Winninger in the back of a large conference room. Thom and I are excited about the same height and for a moment we saw in the eyes. Hepresented with enthusiasm - his trademark. I offered a more hesitant, "Hello." We chatted for a while '. I felt rather embarrassed.

Moments later, Thom looked at me and said, right, with an intensity that went to my heart: ".. I see you have what it takes to be successful in this business will do you good"

It 'been a busy conference and Thom was well known. Soon they parted in different directions. His comment, however, remained with me.

Today, more than20 years later, I like my career as a successful professional speaker.

Thom was right, I had what it takes. I wonder as he saw them? Maybe he thought that anyone who had presented at the annual meeting of the interest and desire, if not yet have the necessary skills.

Then again, maybe Thom did not see much potential in all, but spoke of helping to create, for the moment to improve the customer.

Thanks, Thom.

Learning to improve key customerExperience

How about another person can affect the balance of their lives. Make the effort, their confidence, improve their image and reputation.

Action steps

Do not hold back. Other people go on. Say the magic words to improve the customer.

Say the magic words

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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

3000 Watt Surround Sound Home Theater Speaker System w/SD card, USB FLASH DRIVE for PC, Computer

!±8± 3000 Watt Surround Sound Home Theater Speaker System w/SD card, USB FLASH DRIVE for PC, Computer

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  • RCA,USB & SD inputs
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3000 Watt Surround Sound Home Theater Speaker System w/SD card, USB FLASH DRIVE for PC, Computer

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